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French Caving Terms

Accede            - leads to

Affluent            - inlet

Allure               - appearance

Amarrage         - belay/rebelay

Amont              - upstream

Argileux           - muddy or clayey

Au-dessous      - underneath

Aval                 - downstream

Bas                   - low

Bateau              - boat

Bloc coince       - jammed block

Boyau               - crawl

C                      - on survey indicates climb up, with height

Calcaire            - limestone

Canot pneumatique   - rubber dinghy

Carrefour           -  cross road or junction

Cascade            - climb, generally upwards

Chatriere            - squeeze (may be hands and knees crawl)

Collecteur          - streamway (not necessarily active)

Coloration          - dye test

Concretion          - formations

Conduite forcee  - phreatic passage

Corde                 - rope

Cordelette de rappel  - abseiling rope

Coulee barrage    - stal blockage requiring an up and over climb

Coupe                 - section (survey)

Courant d’air       - current of air

Crue                    - flood

Developpement    - length

Diaclase               - vertical joint or fault

Dessobstruction   - ex-obstruction

Doline                  - shakehole

Dynamite              - blasted

Eau                      - water

Eboulis                 - rocks/boulder choke

Echelle                 - ladder

Effondremont       - collapse

Entree                  - entrance

Escalade              - climb

Etiage                  - low water

Etroite                  - tight

Faille                    - fault

Falaise                 - cliff

Fiche d’equipment  - tackle list

Fils des fer           - traverse cables

Fistules/fistuleuse  - straws

Fond                    - bottom or back

Foret                    - forest

Fractionment        - rebelay

Glaciere               - ice cave

Gouffre                - pothole (usually starts vertical)

Grotte                  - cave (usually starts horizontally)

Goule                   - rising/resurgence

Humide                - damp/dank

Itineraire               - route

Lac                      - lake

Laminoir               - bedding plane

Lapiaz                  - limestone pavement

Libre                    - free

Lucarne                - rock window

Marmite               - deep circular pool (usually in streamway)

Meandre              - narrow twisty passage often requiring traversing

Mis en charge       - fills with water/liable to flood in unstable weather

Orage                   - storm

P                          - on survey indicates pitch, with depth

Parcours               - journey/route

Paroi                    - wall

Perd dans             - disappears into

Peu de                  - few

Plafond                 - ceiling/roof

Plan d’eau             - deep canal

Plaquette               - hanger

Plongeur               - diver

Pontonniere          - chest high waders with shoulder straps

Porche                 - large entrance

Profondeur           - depth

Prolongation         - extension

Puit                      - pitch

Quatre pattes       - on all fours (crawling)

R                         - on survey indicates climb down, with depth

Raide                   - steep/daring

Rapel                   - abseil

Remonter             - climb back up to

Reseau                 - system/series

Ressault               - climb (generally downwards)

Rognons              - chert nodules

Rolars                  - belay/rebelay (literally a breather)

Salle                     - chamber

Scialet                  - another term for a gouffre

Shunt                   - bypass (alternate passage)

Silex                    -  flint nodule

Siphon                 - sump

Souterrain            - underground

Speleo                 - caver

Spit                      - bolt

Surplomb             - overhang

Thalweg               - dry river bed/small valley/fault line

Topo                   - survey

Traversee             - traverse

Tremie                 - boulder choke

Treuil                   - winch

Troncon               - section

Trou souffleur       - draughting hole/blowhole

Vagues d’erosion  - scallop marks

Vire                      - ledge

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